How to Choose? “LED or LCD”?

Nowdays the domestic electronic component industry market is huge, especially LED and LCD have been widely used, such as mobile phones, TVs, watches, remote controls, refrigerators, microwave ovens, humidifiers and so on. But when many companies choose the display screen, how should they distinguish between LED screen and LCD screen? Which one is better?
The war starts, “smart watch with health” can achieve corner overtaking?

In recent years, mobile phone manufacturers have focused their attention on the competition of “small boxes of a few centimeters” on the wrist.
7 Steps to solve the LCD disconnected issue.
When customers bought the LCD display from their LCD screen suppliers, they found it does not work when connect the LCD to their board. I am going to teach you how to solve the lcd disconnect issue.
How to produce the Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) (3)- Backlight to Inspection

After discussed the first part of production from LCD glass POL attachment to FOG process, i will show you the second part also the final part of making lcd display. from Backlight assemble to LCD inspection.
How to produce the Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) (2)- COG to FOG Part

In this part, we will show you how the process of the LCD display production. And how FOG produced.
How to produce the Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) (1)- POL to COG

LCD display is a semi finished field and it including many process. Do you know how the LCD produced and how many parts there should be? Let me show you the whole production process of the liquid crystal Display.