IoT(Internet of things)​

It refers to the global target or process of real-time monitoring, connection, and connection of any system through various devices and technologies such as various information collection sensors, radio frequency identification technology, sensors, infrared sensors, and laser scanners. , information such as light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biological sound, location, etc., network access of various possible objects and objects, realization, ubiquitous connection of people, objects can match and allow all networks to display and identify networks The process of realizing the common information such as the realization of the communication entity, usually forms the intercommunication by the physical object it identifies and recognizes.

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. With more than 7 billion connected IoT devices today, experts are expecting this number to grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025. IoT devices are a part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include lighting, heating, and air conditioning, media and security systems, and camera systems.

Terminal Applications:

  • Smart Home Devices/ Controller
  • Household Appliances
  • Wearable Devices
  • Smart Offices
  • Car Displays

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Home Controller

A home controller, also known as a home automation controller, is a central device that manages and controls various smart devices and systems within a home. It allows homeowners to automate and control lighting, temperature, security, entertainment, and other aspects of their homes using a single interface.

  1. 7-inch displays: 7-inch displays are a popular choice for home controller devices because they provide a good balance between screen real estate and compact size. They are large enough to display useful information and allow for touch-based input, but small enough to fit into a handheld remote or wall-mounted controller.
  2. 10-inch displays: 10-inch displays are larger than 7-inch displays and are often used in wall-mounted home controller devices. They provide more screen real estate for displaying information and allow for more complex user interfaces.
  3. 3.1-inch displays: 3.1-inch OLED displays are a popular choice for handheld home controller devices such as remote controls. They are small enough to be portable, but large enough to display basic information and provide touch-based input.
  4. 4.3-inch displays: 4.3-inch displays are another popular choice for handheld home controller devices. They provide a slightly larger screen than 3.1-inch displays, making it easier to display more information and provide touch-based input.


VOIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, which is a technology that allows voice communication and multimedia sessions to be transmitted over the internet. In other words, it enables people to make phone calls and conduct video conferences over the internet instead of using traditional phone lines.

As for the displays used in VOIP, both LCD and OLED displays are widely used. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens are commonly used in VOIP phones and provide good image quality at an affordable price. OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays are also used in some high-end VOIP phones and offer even better image quality, wider viewing angles, and lower power consumption.

The size of LCD/OLED displays used for VOIP can vary depending on the device and its intended use. Generally, VOIP phones designed for personal or small business use may have smaller displays, typically ranging from 2 to 5 inches in diagonal size. These smaller displays are often sufficient for displaying caller ID, call history, and other basic information.

For larger business environments or conference rooms, VOIP phones may have larger displays, ranging from 7 to 12 inches in diagonal size. These larger displays can be used to display video conferencing feeds, presentations, and other multimedia content.

Attendance Machine​

An attendance machine is a device that is used to track and record employee attendance in a workplace. These devices use biometric, RFID, or barcode scanning technology to identify employees and record their time and attendance data.

The display size of LCD/OLED displays used in attendance machines can vary depending on the device’s functionality and intended use. Smaller devices such as fingerprint scanners or RFID readers may have smaller displays, typically ranging from 1.8 to 3 inches in diagonal size. These displays are often sufficient for displaying basic information such as employee ID numbers or attendance status.

Larger attendance machines such as touchscreen kiosks or facial recognition scanners may have larger displays, ranging from 7 to 12 inches in diagonal size. These displays can be used to display additional information such as employee photos, attendance reports, or company announcements.

In general, the choice of display size for attendance machines will depend on factors such as the device’s functionality, the number of employees being tracked, and the available budget. Smaller displays may be more cost-effective and easier to manage, while larger displays may provide more advanced features and better visibility.

Video Door Phone/ Video Doorbell

A video door phone or video doorbell is a device that allows residents to see and communicate with visitors at their front door via a video intercom system. It typically consists of a doorbell with a camera, a speaker, and a display monitor inside the home.

The display size of LCD/OLED displays used in video door phones can vary depending on the device’s functionality and intended use. Smaller video doorbells may have smaller displays, typically ranging from 2 to 5 inches in diagonal size. These displays are often sufficient for displaying live video feeds and allowing two-way communication with visitors.

Larger video door phones or intercom systems may have larger displays, ranging from 7 to 10 inches in diagonal size. These displays can be used to display additional information such as visitor photos, time-stamped video recordings, or access control options.

In general, the choice of display size for video door phones will depend on factors such as the device’s functionality, the size of the property, and the available budget. Smaller displays may be more cost-effective and easier to install, while larger displays may provide more advanced features and better visibility.

Fire Alarm

A fire alarm is a device that detects and warns people of the presence of fire, smoke, or carbon monoxide in a building or other location. The alarm is typically triggered by a smoke or heat detector and can include a loud audible alarm, visual notification, and sometimes a communication system to alert emergency services.

As for the size of displays used in fire alarms, LCD and OLED displays are not typically a standard feature in fire alarms, as the primary function of a fire alarm is to detect and warn people of a potential fire hazard. However, there are some fire alarm systems that use small LCD or OLED displays for specific purposes, such as displaying the location of the alarm or providing status updates. The size of the display used in these systems can vary depending on the manufacturer and specific application requirements. Typically, the displays used are small and compact, ranging from 1 inch to 5 inches in size.